We are delighted to connect with current students and give back to institutions supporting those historically excluded in STEM especially those with the NSF sponsored LSAMP grant.

We have carefully crafted a list of services we can provide to alliances with prices and descriptions. These prices serve as a baseline and can be waived in extenuating circumstances.

Please feel free to request an unlisted service and we can see about adding it to the list. If travel is required, the requester is responsible for providing travel/lodging/per diem for our members.

We look forward to working with you soon!


Example Services

Workshops - $300/hour

  • Resume Building

  • Interview Skills

  • Graduate School Funding and Fellowships

  • Graduate School Application and Selection

  • Leadership Skills

  • Discussing Career Options

1-on-1 Session - $300/hour

  • Resume Building

  • Interview Skills

Keynote Speaker - $1000-$2000 for 30 minutes to 1 hour

  • Lunch or dinner engagement

Contact us with your ideas if not listed above!