History, Vision, Values

In 2017, Paul Faronbi (Iowa State University, 2016) and Queenster Nartey (Grinnell College, 2016) founded an LSAMP alumni group to stay connected, give back to students, and facilitate career success. Today, the IINSPIRE-LSAMP Alumni Committee consists of alumni from across Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska universities and colleges.

In 2019, Paul reached out to the Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence about whether there was potential for alumni group partnerships. It was from there that the idea to connect all alumni was developed, creating the then titled LSAMP Alumni group and expanded to National Association of LSAMP Alumni or NALA in 2021.

In 2022, NALA saw that their reach and impact was limited by being exclusive to LSAMP. The Executive Board made the decision to open the organization to all underrepresented students in STEM. The team quickly pulled together to create NALA(STEM), the National Alliance Leading the Acceleration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Our foundation has and will always still be NSF LSAMP institutions, but we’ve expanded our membership to anyone who resonates with our mission: to unite, support, and build community among all historically excluded peoples in STEM.

We hope that you will share in our vision to make STEM inclusive for all and help us continue to promote equity.

Our Vision

To ensure that historically marginalized peoples in STEM are professionally prepared to assume leadership roles and advance their careers. We will promote inclusivity in industry, academia, and other STEM-oriented careers to create a brighter future for the next generation of alumni.

Our Values

Mentorship: We all need someone to help us through life​

Service: Giving back to our alliances ​​

Development: Investing in our own personal growth and development​

Connection: Leveraging our networks to foster a community with respect for all people ​​

Shared Value: Helping others while showing that our time is valued

NALA(STEM) now consists of over 240 members across the United States and Puerto Rico. Members range from current graduate students, professors, industry professionals, and so much more!​